Wednesday, February 11, 2009



The above link is to an story.

And here is my response to it. Now I'm not a reporter but it seems like "investigative" reports such as Mark Fainaru-Wada and T.J. Quinn seem more intent on attacking the subjects of their stories rather than just reporting facts. Their main contention is that Alex says that he didn't know what he was taking in the interview. Yes, he acknowledged using performance enhancing drugs in the interview but he didn't say which ones or who gave them to him. Does it really matter? Is there a higher degree of Performance enhancing drug use? Like the way a drug like crack is "worse" than marijuana? I don't believe so (but that is just my opinion). I don't even think people even reall know what steroids do. I would bet that if you asked someone what they do they would tell you that steroids are a magic pill that makes you faster and stronger, which it is not. What steroids do (at least from my lay understanding) is that they make it easier for you to work out . You can work out more often making it easier for you to rehab and build muscle. So according to my understanding you have to work out even more than you would to get the "muscle building" results. It is a "short cut" but aren't supplements and other things like that? Most of the stuff you can get at GNC didn't exist 100 years ago but they can also help you build muscle if you want. The thing with steroids is that they work better than these supplements that you can buy and they also have negative permanent side effects if they are abused. Which is why they are only legal with a doctors prescription.
It' is still my contention that is old time baseball players had access to steroids they would use them. Those guys were womanizers, racists, and probably drug abusers. Who's to say that some of these players weren't using some sort of perfomance enhancing drugs back then? People act like these guys had all sorts of integrity because they weren't making the money that they are making today. I'm sure those guys did their share of bad things. I mean for crissakes nonwhites couldn't play at the major league level till 1947. To me that more of a moral faux pas than steroids. but we still celebrate the era before that.

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